mini muffin monday morning

I got a pack of mini muffins at the grocery saturday to have for breakfast the rest of the week. This morning I wasn’t thinking and brought the entire tray up to my work from home office (instead of bringing 1 or 2). They’re tempting me to eat more than I should.

Anyway I actually have some sewing stuff to post this week.

First up, Chase’s Chip jacket is mostly finished:

I got the cuffs sewn on, the collar on, and made the detachable fur piece for the collar. It snaps on in 5 places, so he can take it off if it gets too hot.

The only thing I still need to do is that I wanted to do something to hide the snaps if he decides to take the fur collar off at the park – I have some leftover WW2 buttons from Peggy that I think I’m going to cut the button shank off and glue onto a snap – that way he can snap those buttons on to the collar and that’ll look a little better than just glaring snaps. And if we do that I’m going to sew a little pocket into the interior to keep the buttons in.

I also finally finished up my Dale top but I don’t have any pics — I put a red separating zipper in the back. I still need to try it on and double check but it fit fine with the zipper basted in, so I imagine it still will now that it’s machine-sewn in. Also got the top hemmed. Now I just need to do this belt. If I’m actually gonna do it.

Luna break

Saturday night I decided to start messing around with the camisole I wanted to make out of the knitorious star wars fabric. I had downloaded this printable pattern off etsy that I thought was cute, and got the pattern pieces taped together and did a mock-up out of some scrap lining:

(I like this colour, I wish it was a better fabric, I would’ve finished this and kept it too)

I ended up changing the shape of the pattern a bit, taking it in at the sides to fit me a little better. Once I had the front and back pieces the way I wanted in the mock-up I used the mock-up pieces to cut the knitorious fabric:

I’ve been putting this project off because I was waiting on this blue knit for the straps/top to come in. The first order got lost. The second reorder showed up but it was icky and I didn’t like it. 3rd order was this that finally came in this week.

The pattern had called for this upper “binding” sections to be much bigger. It’s part of why I picked this pattern – I liked the graphic look of these “zig-zags” across the top. But after cutting one I didn’t like how much of the fabric they were hiding (I would have lost half of Rey on the front, and Lando and Chewie on the back), so I ended up cutting the pieces in half to shorten them.

I finished Saturday night with all of the pieces for the top part cut.

Luna made a friend

Sunday back at it… got the front pieces assembled and sewn on. It was a little messy, the lightweight knit was a little tricky to work with getting it finished by hand on the inside, but it’s OK.

We cooked dinner for Super Bowl night, after we finished eating I headed back upstairs to finish the shirt…

Got the front and back pieces sewn together and the bottom hemmed.

The only part I’m not happy with is once I hemmed it, the hem created a sort of horse-hair stiffening effect to the entire thing. It hung better without the hem. I did the tiniest by-hand baby hem I could… I’m thinking part of it is just that this knitorious fabric is a little heavier and stiffer than what I had in my mind. I’m going to wash it a few times with a fabric softener and see if that “relaxes” it a bit.

But overall that’s a major nitpick because I’m probably going to wear it tucked in either way.

Speaking of — I was testing out this pattern to see how it would work for a Leia disneybound camisole, out of the regular Joann jetset. I think it would work pretty well after seeing it finished, especially with my fit edits I did in the mock-up stage. I think I’d eliminate the zig-zag binding at the top and just fully line it – it’s thin jet set so it would need 2 layers anyway. Then once tucked into a pair of shorts it’d give the same “blousing effect” as the ANH dress.

I also found an old shorts pattern from the 80s, just a simple sort of culotte shorts that might work ok for Leia. I’m just not sure about culottes out of jetset. LOL we’ll see.

Anyway I’m psyching myself up for booking disney dining in a few weeks. I’ve got my list of restaurants we want to eat at and when. Ready to do battle. Also really hoping things in terms of the pandemic continue to get better over the next couple of months before our trip. I know so many people who have already gotten the vaccine (Kevin is done! Got his 2 shots!) and I’m just hoping things stay on schedule so Chase and I can get it next month. Fingers crossed. I keep checking the appointment scheduler for open slots (even though it’s not our turn, but out of curiosity how things are looking) and everything is constantly filled. Seems like there should be a better way.

And now Wandavision spoilers…

A Wanda doodle from last week while I was waiting on Kristie to get online and help her with some instagram stuff…



It’s funny seeing people being like why is it the wrong Quicksilver, why are people freaking out… I’ve been so entrenched in Marvel comics most of my life – even after I stopped regularly reading I still kept up with the storylines and of course consuming everything MCU (except Agents of SHIELD. I got bored) and being super annoyed at Fox’s handling of the X-Men… it’s foreign to me to not understand. LOL.

Can’t wait for the next episode. Can’t wait for Dr Strange 2.

OH! I Nearly forgot to do a tiktok update this week.

So last week was bad, even though I expected that — people are always saying “repost your old viral videos” as suggestions for fixing engagements but my reposts NEVER do well. I posted all old lake dress videos this week and the first post – lake dress on the dressform – previously get 20K likes when I posted it in 2019. This time? 159 likes. LOL.

But having analytics back on has helped. Here was the breakdown of content this week:
Lake dress on dressform repost
Traffic Sources: 60% Followers, 22% FYP, 15% from my profile
(I’m surprised this got on the FYP at all with those low numbers. Must have been there for about 10 minutes and then poof gone.)

Lake dress dressing video repost
Traffic sources: 64% followers, 29% FYP, 3% profile, 1% sound
(This one did the best, and I think it’s because I picked a new sound instead of using another star wars song.)

Lake dress Slow-Mo spin repost
Traffic: 68% followers, 22% FYP, 8% profile
(I can’t see any analytics before Sept 2020 but it’s pretty clear my FYP/follower traffic percentages have flipped since then.)

Lake Dress Making-Of repost
Traffic: 62% follower, 29% FYP, 7% profile)

I Don’t Like Sound repost
Traffic: 89% Following, 9% profile
(This one didn’t get to the FYP page at all.)

Saturday’s video was brand new – filmed it Friday night. Doing Leia’s manga hairstyle. So let’s see how a brand new post fares against the reposts:
Traffic: 53% following, 44% FYP, 1% profile
(Slightly better on the FYP but still not great… compared to pre-Sept 2020.)

Sunday’s video also brand-new. Storytime. This was my best performing this week.
Traffic: 53% Following, 45% FYP

I also experimented with posting on my alt account. That went over like a ton of bricks… after an hour up the video had 0 views. I deleted it.

So this week… I’m taking a break. Not posting until Saturday. I’ve heard some people suggest a break, and some people say absolutely don’t take a break it’ll get worse. I figure it can’t get much worse, soooo. Might as well save what little new content I have left and try it out next weekend. And honestly, for the first few months of posting, I never posted every day, it was every other day at best, and stuff was doing great then, sooo

I saw a video where someone said what tiktok does is basically narcissistic love-bombing. That the beginning of the relationship you get a ton of attention (engagement) and then they cut it off leaving you still creating the content looking for the attention again but they don’t give it to you. I’d say that’s pretty accurate from my stand point.

Oh, and I’ve lost over 100 followers in the last week too so that’s great.

I think after a couple of weeks of compiling information I’m going to be emailing it all to tiktok’s feedback email because why not. Might as well do something with all of the analytics I’m collecting.

Oh and I forgot — here’s a screencap of the manga Leia hairstyle:

It turned out way cuter than I expected! I took an old tangled hair extension I had (I think it was leftover from what I made my hair rats for belle out of…) I brushed it out, straightened it and then curled the ends. Just pinned it in the back and did my buns over the top of it. Getting my bangs to cooperate was the hard part, they’re just too long and didn’t want to stay curled in the right place. But I loved it!